Construction & Commercial Dumpster Rental

Commercial Dumpster Service

Ripping out a driveway?  Building a new house?  Putting in a new shopping center?  No job is too big or too small for  The certified disposal and transfer facilities that we have partnered with ensure that all your building permit recycling requirements are met.  CalRecycle’s requirements of 65% of your building debris must be recycled can be difficult.  That’s why our disposal partners can take your comingled debris boxes and recycle 70-95% and keep track of your jobsites and disposal tags.  At the end of your project we provide you with a certification letter and disposal tags for your building permit requirements.

Some contractors believe self-hauling is a cheaper option.  At our relationships with the disposal facilities often provide us with lower disposal rates than what the public and contractors pay due to our higher volume with these facilities.  If you add the labor costs of having your workers load a trailer, then the drive time to the disposal facilities, waiting and unloading at the disposal site, the disposal charges, then the drive time back to the jobsite.  Is it that much cheaper?  Your workers could be working on your project instead of being at the dump for 3 hours.

Looking for other ways to save money?  Source separated boxes are the way to go, as many disposal facilities charge less for these dumpsters.  A comingled box requires a lot of labor to sort which increases your price.  Most jurisdictions don’t charge a tax for source separated boxes which can be 10% or more.  If you’re doing a LEED project, then you need the highest recycling percentage possible.  A comingled C&D dumpster might be recycled at 74% but a source separated wood box might be recycled at 99%.

Click to Enlarge - Dumpster Sizes

Job Site Dumpsters is an affordable way to clean up debris.